Historic homes have a charm that is hard to beat. However, in order to keep that unique aesthetic and honor the history of the house, it’s important to keep up with maintenance and to do so in a way that respects the home’s age and character.
In today’s blog post from David’s Roofing in Northwest Arkansas, we will be discussing how to choose the right roof for your historic home. Read on to learn more and if you are in need of a roof inspection or have any questions about roofs for historic homes, reach out to our Jackson roofing company today.
Choosing a Roof Style That Matches Your Home’s Era
When deciding on how to choose the right roof for your historic home, the first thing you’ll want to consider is the time period when your home was built. Homes have traditionally had different styles throughout history, and if you want your historic house to look authentic to its time, you must choose the right style roof to match. The area where your home is located should also be used to inform your decision on the style of roof you choose for your historic house.
Choosing a Roof Material
Once you have a good understanding of what style historic house you own, you can research what type of roofing material was traditionally used on that type of home. Wood shingles are one of the oldest types of roofing materials used throughout America, and they are still widely available today. Additionally, depending on the style and age of your historic home, you may want to consider slate roofing, metal roofing, clay tiles, or another type of roofing material.
Deciding Whether to Repair or Replace Your Historic Home’s Roof
In some circumstances, you may have the choice to repair the current roof on your historic house rather than completely replacing it. If a roof has been kept in good condition and is constructed from high-quality materials, you may have the option to simply make repairs. However, it’s important to keep in mind that roofs do not last forever. A professional roofing contractor can help you determine the condition of the roof and whether a repair is possible or preferable to a roof replacement.
Get the Opinion of an Experienced Roofing Contractor
Choosing the right roof for your historic home can require some research and patience. One of the best ways to help determine what type of roof to choose is by working with an experienced Jackson roofing company. At David’s Roofing, we’ll work with you one-on-one to determine the best course of action for your home. Whether you’re considering replacing your roof with a new one or would like to see if repairs are possible, our team is here to help. We’ll even get you started with a free roof inspection and estimate.
The Arkansas Roofing Company You Can Trust
Do you have a historic home or are you looking to buy one? Let the team at David’s Roofing help by answering all of your questions. Call today and schedule an inspection!
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